How to make a crow-proof bird feeder

How to make a crow-proof bird feeder

Find out how to make a bird feeder that should keep crows, jackdaws, magpies, pigeons and other large birds at bay.

Larger birds, such as crows and pigeons, can crowd out smaller species from a bird feeder and can devour the food in them rapidly.

Discover how to clean bird feeders.

A simple way to stop them is to fix two hanging baskets together around the bird feeder, using cable ties. The small birds can still squeeze through the gaps to get to the food, while the larger birds can clear up any spilled seeds on the ground.

Here’s how to make a bird feeder that will keep larger birds off.

Larger birds, such as crows and pigeons, can crowd out smaller species from a bird feeder and can devour the food in them rapidly.

You Will Need

  • Two hanging baskets
  • Hanging bird feeder
  • Cable ties
  • Bird seed

Step 1

Start to fix the hanging baskets together to make a cage, using the cable ties. Fix the ties tightly, making sure the sides of the basket are flush.

Fixing two hanging baskets together
Fixing two hanging baskets together

Step 2

Fill the feeder with seed and pop it in between the two baskets., feeding the handle through the top. Secure the baskets with ties so they can’t be prised apart.

Placing the feeder between two baskets
Placing the feeder between two baskets

Step 3

Hang the feed and its cage from your usual bird feeding station or a sturdy branch on a tree in the garden, then wait for the birds to discover it.

Finished crow-proof bird feeder
Finished crow-proof bird feeder